Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One Month

I can't believe that 4 weeks ago today, I was told I was having a baby.  I didn't plan on any of this happening until next week.  And in these 4 weeks, we've all been through so much.  We've all learned and grown, and ready or not, she's here.
Adri came home 2 weeks ago and our lives have changed more than we thought possible.  Our hearts have grown and we have more love than we thought possible, too.  In these past 2 weeks, we've also learned that sleep is no longer a priority in our lives.  It seems this is going to be true for 18 years or so.  I've been told it gets better...I can't wait for that to happen.  I'm not complaining, I'm in love with her, but I also love sleep.
Adri is doing tummy time right now and is pretty much just going to sleep.  She's good with holding her head up when she's being held, but not so much at tummy time yet.  We're working on it.  Other than that, she's not doing too many exciting things.  She's been out to Target and to eat with us a few times now.  She's a pro at the car seat.  Hopefully that will stay true for a while.
I'm excited to see what the next 4 weeks brings.  We'll let you know.