Friday, September 24, 2010


Adrianna got to come home Tuesday.  Exactly 2 weeks after she was born.  She came home at 4 pounds, 6 ounces.  She proved everyone at Kosair wrong.  She didn't have anything else wrong with her like the anticipated and she didn't have to stay until her due date.  This child is amazing!
She went to the pediatrician today and she is up to 4 pounds, 10 ounces.  The doctor said she looks perfect.  A little small, but perfect.
She eats six times a day, every four hours except at night when she tries her hardest to eat every three hours.  We try to make her wait, but she has better plans, so we usually give in.  Because of this, her schedule changes almost every day.
We're so happy to have her home with us.
Stay tuned for more stories of the greatest baby ever.


Jamie and Trey + Three said...

I am impressed Adri is eating every 4 hours. Dylan ate every 2 hours until he was 3 months old-crazy boy! I am so glad she is home and doing great. God is good!

Nancy said...

What a little doll! Can't wait to see her!!!