Monday, November 8, 2010

Two Months

 Adrianna's two months old now.  I can't even believe it!  She's done a lot of growing in the last month.  The weather has finally become Fall-ish and we had to turn the heat on.  Adri's little nose got stuffy and she wasn't feeling well at all (top picture).  We got her a humidifier and some nose drops and she's good to go now.
She's finally the size of a normal newborn but is plugging along as a two month-er.  Her neck is so strong.  The doctor even commented on it as if he was shocked.  While she was sleeping well and eating only every 4 hours, she has now decided that she needs to eat every 3 hours at night, but is content with every 4 hours in the day.  Silly baby.
She's tipping the scales at 7lbs, 11.5 oz and is 20 inches long.  Her cheeks are getting fatter and her arms and legs are beginning to show signs of rolls.  I'm so excited to see some rolls on my preemie. 
All in all, she's the cutest baby ever and she's perfect.

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