Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Who would have thought we'd make it this far?  12 weeks and 3 months all in the same day.  She's getting so big.  At times, it feels like it's gone by WAAAAY too fast, at others, it feels like it has gone by slow.

This month, we went to Thanksgiving with the Taylors in Cincinnati.  We met Adri's little cousin, Chase.  The two of them next to each other is pretty funny to see since he's 10 days younger than her, but it made me realize how small she really is.  She should probably be the same size as Chase at this point, but is just now catching up to the size he was when he was born!  She's a petite little thing.
She's finally in 0-3 month clothes.  They actually fit her the way they should.  She can still fit into newborn stuff, but the sleeves are too short.  This makes me laugh that she's 3 months and she's only in 0-3's.  I love it.
She's learning so much.  She smiles all over the place.  She is staying awake longer between feedings.  She learned what snow is and didn't like it too much.  I got a picture of her in it, and she's not crying at that moment, but it's because she was trying to catch her breath because of how cold it was.  Don't worry, we were only out there for a minute.

I can't imagine what my life would be like without her.  Even though there are times when I can't figure out why she's crying and I can't do anything else to help her, she's my baby and I love her.

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