Sunday, June 12, 2011

NINE months!

Adrianna Rae is quite the crazy baby.  She learns so much in such a short amount of time, I'm constantly in awe of her and of her Creator that causes all of these things to happen.  I love watching her grow and do new things every day.  She now has 2 teeth that you can almost see when she smiles instead of having to pull her lip down and getting bit.  She is well on her way to crawling.  She pivots mostly, but gets up on her knees and lunges forward to get to what she wants and it works pretty well for her.  When she is sitting in her bed, she can pull up on the side.  However, she can't sit by herself, we have to put her in that position to begin with.

She loves her daddy and goes out of her way to prove it.  When he walks in, her face lights up and she squeals.  She's so sweet that way.  I think that since she's with me every hour of every day, she doesn't show that love for me all that much, but when I had my gallbladder taken out and I couldn't hold her for a whole day, she got very excited the next day when I decided to give it a shot and she was so happy.  It's very reassuring when I get to hold her and she lays her head down to snuggle.  It's nice to know she loves me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Eight Months

Eight months!  Craziness.  Adri got to go to her first birthday party for Max Gardner.  He turned one and we got to celebrate with is family and friends.  Hard to believe in just 4 months we will be celebrating Adri's first year.  Adri also got to celebrate her first Easter!  She got to wear a pretty dress and got her picture taken.  She loves the plastic eggs and plays with them often. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seven Months

Seven?  Wow!  This milestone seems to be pretty great so far.  Adri is growing up so much.  She belly laughs like a pro and we have so much fun making it happen.  She's eating solids all the time (bananas, rice cereal, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes and carrots) and is putting it away like a sumo wrestler.  She's up to 17.5 lbs now.  Hopefully, her weight gain will slow down a little soon or the doctor is going to be on my case about her gaining so much weight.  I don't know how to do anything different though.  She eats when she's hungry and I do my best.
Today, she went to the doctor to get one of the vaccines.  She got weighed and was squirming all over the scale.  I thought for sure she would be squirmy when they did the shot, but I laid her down and she was perfectly still.  The nurse gave her the shot and Adri didn't move, didn't wince, didn't cry at all!  We have such a big girl on our hands!
Some of the not-so-fun phases seem to be passing.  She is easier to take out in the car now.  We can actually go to the store and she doesn't freak out!  I'm hoping this is the truth on longer trips (like our trip to Bowling Green this weekend).  Another phase that seemed to go on from BIRTH, has subsided.  I can finally give her a bath without feeling the need to rush so the screaming stops.
I'm excited to see the next milestones and watch her grow up.  She's a pretty cool kid.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Six Months!!

Here we are, six months after the cutest baby in the world was born.  She lights up the world in her own special way and makes her mommy and daddy proud every day.
Six months is a big milestone for any one, but especially for my baby girl.  It was six months ago that a 4 pound, 2 ounce baby came into the world and captured the heart of any one and every one that saw her.  It was six months ago that they took that baby and kept her in the "Special Care" part of the nursery because she was so small.  It was six months ago that they told me her tummy wasn't working right and that they thought it best to send her to Kosair Children's Hospital to make sure everything was ok.  It was six months ago (this week) that she started her week and a half stay learning how to eat and sleep on schedule.  In these past six months, she has never stopped growing and learning.  Here we are six months later and we have a baby that you would never have guessed was premature.  She is the size of the average six month old and maybe a little bigger.  She has learned that her voice is powerful and that she can squeal at the top of her lungs and it makes her happy.  She has learned that her puppies love her and are always available to give her kisses.  She thinks they are hilarious and they think she is fabulous, too.  She sleeps well through the night and is learning to eat solids.  She is eating cereal like a pro and is starting on some vegetables and will be moving on to fruit in a few weeks.
  She's working on rolling over.  She hates being on her belly but would rather complain than do anything about it.  When on her back, she finds toys very interesting and will pretty much have her whole body rolled over, but can't get her arm out from under her.  The day after she turned 6 months, she learned to sit up for longer than half a second.  She can sit up in a high chair at a restaurant like she's been doing it forever.  She's so smart and learning so much so fast.
I am amazed at my baby girl.  Adrianna is one blessing I can't thank God enough for.  He continues to bless us over and over and I'm excited to see what He has in store next.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Five Months

January wasn't as eventful as the past few months, so there's not too much to report.
Adri is actually 5 months old!  That means that in less than a month, she will be half a year old...craziness.  Time goes by so slow at times and yet, I can't believe it's already been 5 months since our lives changed forever.
We have watched her change so much even in the last month.  She's gaining weight fast and is learning new things.  I accidentally taught her how to do a raspberry and she hasn't stopped...I mean, if she's awake, she's doing raspberries.  She's holding her head up when she's on her belly and she doesn't freak out when she's on her belly any more...most of the time.  She seems to be working on rolling over from her back to her belly but hasn't quite mastered it yet.
Adri sleeps through the night and takes good naps throughout the day.  This has, in turn, kept me at home because I know there would be a melt-down.  Hers or mine, I don't know.  We've tried feeding her cereal, but she's just not getting it yet.  I'm hoping she will get it by the time she's 6 months and we can move on to bigger and better things! 
Adri visitws Cincinnati with me.  She got to play with her cousin, Chase, see her great Mamaw Taylor and watch her big cousin, Jacob play basketball.  It was quite an eventful weekend, but we had a lot of fun.She's getting so big and if time would slow down a little, that would be great.  I like having a baby!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Four Months

 Adri is 4 months!!  What in the world?  It seems like so long and not long at all at the same time.  December was a big month for all of us. 
These are a couple of the pictures Uncle Tom and Aunt Traci took of Adri when we had Christmas in Cincinnati.  Adri got some great outfits, a Bumbo and a mobile.  She LOVES her mobile!

 On this day, Adri learned how to roll over from her belly to her back.  I, however, was upstairs when it happened the first time.  We caught a picture of her before she could get over.  She was definitely on her way over, though.
 This is Adri watching her mobile.  She can be fussy when we put her down in her bed and when we turn on the mobile she usually quiets down and gets really excited!
 Christmas with GiGi and Aunt Kellyn was fun!  She got some more outfits and some stuff to put in her room.  I'm really excited to decorate her room more.  We still have a loooong way to go.
 Christmas with Grandpa Mark and Great Grandma Lois was enjoyed at Grandma's nursing home.  She got a really cute outfit and some hair bows.  Christmas was GREAT this year!  I'm excited to see her reaction next year when she's older and knows a little more about what's going on.
Now, she's four months old and is getting way big.  She now weighs 12 lbs. 7.5 oz and is 24 inches long.  This is a big difference from 4 lbs. 2 oz. and 17 inches long when she was born.  These are both still below the 50th percentile, however, her head is ginormous and is in the 65th percentile.  The doctor thought this was hilarious.