Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seven Months

Seven?  Wow!  This milestone seems to be pretty great so far.  Adri is growing up so much.  She belly laughs like a pro and we have so much fun making it happen.  She's eating solids all the time (bananas, rice cereal, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes and carrots) and is putting it away like a sumo wrestler.  She's up to 17.5 lbs now.  Hopefully, her weight gain will slow down a little soon or the doctor is going to be on my case about her gaining so much weight.  I don't know how to do anything different though.  She eats when she's hungry and I do my best.
Today, she went to the doctor to get one of the vaccines.  She got weighed and was squirming all over the scale.  I thought for sure she would be squirmy when they did the shot, but I laid her down and she was perfectly still.  The nurse gave her the shot and Adri didn't move, didn't wince, didn't cry at all!  We have such a big girl on our hands!
Some of the not-so-fun phases seem to be passing.  She is easier to take out in the car now.  We can actually go to the store and she doesn't freak out!  I'm hoping this is the truth on longer trips (like our trip to Bowling Green this weekend).  Another phase that seemed to go on from BIRTH, has subsided.  I can finally give her a bath without feeling the need to rush so the screaming stops.
I'm excited to see the next milestones and watch her grow up.  She's a pretty cool kid.

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