Thursday, September 9, 2010

Well, I'm here

Adrianna's here and is working on growing big already.  She was born Tuesday, September 7, 2010.  She is perfect in every way.
I went in for a normal doctor's appointment starting my weekly appointments for my last month and was intent on telling the doctor about my heartburn.  My blood pressure was taken which wasn't high by any means...just a little high for me.  The nurse took it twice and the doctor wasn't worried about it at all.  Then I told her about my heartburn and headaches and she decided to do some blood work.  It's a good thing she did because I was beginning to go into HELLP syndrome which is part of pre-eclampsia.  I didn't have high blood pressure, but I did have elevated liver enzymes and low platelets.  This is best taken care of by giving birth.  The next 24 hours after are important as well and you have to stay on Magnesium Sulfate which will make your body turn on itself.  It's absolutely no fun to have a baby this way.
The other down side is having to give birth early.  Adrianna is 35 weeks and still has a lot to learn before she can go home.  Right now, she's working on sucking and getting her gut to move everything around right.  She's brilliant though so she'll just take her time and will get it done when it's done.
She's hanging out in the Special Care Nursery at the hospital and I'm hanging out in my room.  We get to see each other every once in a while, but it's not what we really want.  We really want to hang out together all the time.  She's a pretty great kid.


Jamie and Trey + Three said...

First, your sense of humor cracks me up :) Second, we have been and will continue to pray for the three of you. Third, YOUR A MOM-how awesome is that???

Laura | Southern Scout said...

You are adorable! I would want to hang out all the time too :) And Adri is going to rock at growing! I love her already!

Pat Baker said...

She's beautiful!! Of course, she will be OK with God and a wonderful mommie and daddy like you two as well as the love and prayers of your great family and friends like us! I do love you even though I don't see you. You are precious AND a stinker! Looking forward to more pics and info on you and your family.