Six months is a big milestone for any one, but especially for my baby girl. It was six months ago that a 4 pound, 2 ounce baby came into the world and captured the heart of any one and every one that saw her. It was six months ago that they took that baby and kept her in the "Special Care" part of the nursery because she was so small. It was six months ago that they told me her tummy wasn't working right and that they thought it best to send her to Kosair Children's Hospital to make sure everything was ok. It was six months ago (this week) that she started her week and a half stay learning how to eat and sleep on schedule. In these past six months, she has never stopped growing and learning. Here we are six months later and we have a baby that you would never have guessed was premature. She is the size of the average six month old and maybe a little bigger. She has learned that her voice is powerful and that she can squeal at the top of her lungs and it makes her happy. She has learned that her puppies love her and are always available to give her kisses. She thinks they are hilarious and they think she is fabulous, too. She sleeps well through the night and is learning to eat solids. She is eating cereal like a pro and is starting on some vegetables and will be moving on to fruit in a few weeks.