Thursday, February 10, 2011

Five Months

January wasn't as eventful as the past few months, so there's not too much to report.
Adri is actually 5 months old!  That means that in less than a month, she will be half a year old...craziness.  Time goes by so slow at times and yet, I can't believe it's already been 5 months since our lives changed forever.
We have watched her change so much even in the last month.  She's gaining weight fast and is learning new things.  I accidentally taught her how to do a raspberry and she hasn't stopped...I mean, if she's awake, she's doing raspberries.  She's holding her head up when she's on her belly and she doesn't freak out when she's on her belly any more...most of the time.  She seems to be working on rolling over from her back to her belly but hasn't quite mastered it yet.
Adri sleeps through the night and takes good naps throughout the day.  This has, in turn, kept me at home because I know there would be a melt-down.  Hers or mine, I don't know.  We've tried feeding her cereal, but she's just not getting it yet.  I'm hoping she will get it by the time she's 6 months and we can move on to bigger and better things! 
Adri visitws Cincinnati with me.  She got to play with her cousin, Chase, see her great Mamaw Taylor and watch her big cousin, Jacob play basketball.  It was quite an eventful weekend, but we had a lot of fun.She's getting so big and if time would slow down a little, that would be great.  I like having a baby!